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Unposted Letter by Mahatria Ra - Book Review

Updated: Jul 12, 2020

I always love to start the review with why I decided to read any book. One good afternoon, I felt ashamed of not reading enough. I had many books, but I don't know why I wasn't reading. So, on the same day, I decided to buy a few books and the reason behind buying this book was its title, honestly! - Unposted letter. It's a catchy one! Anyone will get curious. So, this is how this book landed on my shelf.

Written by Mahatria Ra, Unposted letter has a collection of short articles based on life and its various aspects. As you start reading, you feel like reading general philosophy but then suddenly a point comes and your whole perspective towards something takes a U-turn. This has been my experience while reading this book. I loved this surprising element of this book because you suddenly go from “Hmm, ok!” to “Woah, amazing!”

Every chapter of this book is focused on YOU and not others. It is about putting you in different conditions and making you see things from a different perspective. This book has a spiritual touch, but it does not forces to believe in God or something. I would give 10/10 to the author for keeping this book so generic, simple and yet unique so that anyone who reads this, finds it amazing.

I personally got some self-development ideas, entrepreneurship lessons, and some secrets of letting things go.

I loved a few quotes from this book. These quotes do not have any complex words or meanings, and they are so simple and relatable.

1. “Without trust, there is no peace”

2. “Difficult decisions are often good decisions”

3. "Success is failure delayed and failure is success delayed. Neither is failure final nor is success permanent".

4. “By its very nature, ego needs feeding; and hence it is a perpetual beggar.”

5. “Dreams are the gap between where you are and where you will be”

I can just go on with the amazing lines I found in this book.

If you are a beginner or going through a reading block, I recommend this book. You can start from any chapter and still feel connected. If you are an avid reader, I still recommend this book to you because it gives you different perspectives on things.

Happy reading!

Stay tuned for more reviews.

Special Note:

I am not going to rate any book by numbers, because I feel that, it takes everything for an author to come up with any book. Every book is unique in its own way.

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